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Next Generation Sequencing Services

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a powerful tool to observe the genetic map of your organism of choice. Look for SNP variation or causative loci that underlie your favorite phenotype. Determine how drug manipulation affects expression of coding regions across the genome. Discover novel transcripts and even explore the genetic makeup of an organism previously unmapped.

NGS allows researchers to acquire a range of information in genome research, transcriptomics, epigenetics, and metagenomics, among others.

Phalanx Biotech Group provides NGS services using Illumina’s HiSeq 2500 and MiSeq platforms. Our staff will help you with experimental design, library prep and sequencing questions along the way.

Our NGS service offerings include:


RNA-Seq Service

RNA sequencing is a type of next-generation sequencing used to target regions of the genome that are transcribed into
messenger RNA (mRNA) and may subsequently translate into protein. RNA-seq is used to identify and quantify
transcriptional regulation of the genome.

Protocols specific to the library preparation stage are used to isolate mRNA and rid samples of rRNA, which comprises
approximately 80% of the RNA pool.

Typical sequencing configurations:
Library Preparation ProtocolStrand-specific, polyA Selection, paired-end
Recommended Throughput20-40 million reads per sample
PlatformIllumina HiSeq

*Sequencing configuration is project specific.

Sample submission requirements for RNA-Sequencing:
Total RNA in Rnase-free water, on dry ice2ug (min > 500ng)6.050 ng/uL
RNA-Seq Applications:

RNA-seq may be used for gene expression profiling, identification of novel transcripts, identification of alternative splice events and transcriptome assembly.

Gene expression profiling by way of RNA-seq is utilized in drug development experiments, cancer research, gut microbiome studies and many more. Comparative analysis of transcript abundance between experimental groups provides unique insight into the interplay between gene and environment.

Small RNA-Seq

Small RNA-Seq Service

Small RNA sequencing is used to target small RNA molecules including: miRNA, ncRNA, snRNA, etc.

Common sequencing configurations:
Configurationsmall RNA-seq
Library Preparation ProtocolCustomizable size selection using small RNA library prep kits
Recommended Throughput7-10 million reads per sample
PlatformIllumina NextSeq
Sample submission requirements for Small RNA-Sequencing:
Sample TypeMinimum AmountRINMinimum Concentration
Total RNA200 ng>7.020 g/uL


ChIP-Seq Sample submission requirements:
Sample TypeMinimum AmountMinimum Concentration
DNA5 ng1 ng/uL
RNA QC Requirements:
  • A260/280 > 2
  • A260/230 = 2.0~2.2
Recommended Sequencing Specifications:
  • Single end 1x50 bp
  • 20M, 40M, 75M, or 100M reads

16s Metagenomics

Smple submission requirements:
Sample TypeMinimum AmountMinimum Concentration
DNA12.5 ng1.5 ng/uL
RNA QC Requirements:
  • A260/280 > 2
  • A260/230 = 2.0~2.2
Recommended Sequencing Specifications:
  • Paired end 2x300bp
  • 100K coverage

Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)

Sample submission requirements:
Sample TypeMinimum AmountMinimum Concentration
DNA12.5 ng1.5 ng/uL
RNA QC Requirements:
  • A260/280 > 2
  • 260/230 = 2.0~2.2
Recommended Sequencing Specifications:
  • aired end 2x300 bp
  • 100K coverage


  • Complete Workflow: We are able to perform sample extraction, sequencing, and customized data analysis for a complete NGS service package.
  • Low Yield Samples: If your sample type has limited RNA/DNA, then please contact us to learn about our specialized workflows for low yield samples.
  • Wide Range of Species: We’ve processed samples from species with and without reference genomes (human, mouse, rat, hamster, bacteria, etc…)

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