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Chromosomal Microarray Analysis of Amniotic Fluid (Cyto-500+)

Clinical chromosomal microarrays specifically designed for Asians with 4-5 times as much detection effectiveness when compared to conventional karyotyping. Perform screening of nearly 500+ hereditary diseases caused by copy number variation (CNV) with one microarray, providing parents-to-be with detailed health information of their babies

Chromosomal Microarray Analysis of Amniotic Fluid (Cyto-500+)
Clinical chromosomal microarrays specifically designed for Asians with 4-5 times as much detection effectiveness when compared to conventional karyotyping. Perform screening of more than 500+ hereditary diseases caused by copy number variation (CNV) with one microarray, providing parents-to-be with detailed health information of their babies

Upgraded pregnancy test

Upgraded pregnancy test In general, geriatric pregnancy should hear of fetal karyotyping (extract amniotic fluid to check for morphological problems of chromosomes). This test has been the standard prenatal diagnostic measure and includes chromosomal structure, number and the reversal/swapping/deletion/repetition of large segments. Due to limited resolution, conventional examination is unable to detect CNVs that cause hundreds of hereditary diseases. To improve resolution of detection, Phalanx Biotech has developed chromosomal microarray with resolution improved by thousands of times, and 4~5x detection rate when compared to conventional karyotyping. Perform screening of more than 400 hereditary diseases caused by copy number variation (CNV) with one microarray, providing to-be-parents with detailed health information of their babies

Note: While older pregnancy is known to be associated with significantly higher risk of chromosomal disorders, 80% of Down syndrome cases are given birth by women younger than 35. Even young mothers should be aware of the risks!

Karyotyping achieves 4~5 times as much detection rate when combined with microarray use

Disease detection

Phalanx Biotech’s chromosome microarrays can be used for the screening of aneuploidy such as Down syndrome and a total of 500+ disorders. Specifically focused on developmental delay and intellectual disability, for example, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Edwards syndrome, hemophilia A/B, forebrain defects, obesity, Prader-Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome, DiGeorge’s syndrome, Cri du chat syndrome, 1p36 deletion syndrome, Patau syndrome, and other disorders associated with chromosomal microdeletion and microamplification.
The only high-density microarray manufacturer in Asia

Positioned as the only Asian manufacturer with independent microarray design and development capabilities, Phalanx Biotech is also a market leader in terms of technology and quality.

Screening of 80+ selected disorders at affordable price

Probe designed for specific disorders, realizing accurate clinical interpretation at a third to half of the price of conventional microarrays

Microarrays tailored for Asian genes

In collaboration with Taiwanese genetics specialists and clinicians, Phalanx Biotech creates the chromosome microarray tailored for Taiwanese.

Elected as a biotech company with cutting edge technology

Phalanx Biotech’s chromosome technology and quality is internationally acknowledged as demonstrated by being elected as one of the five biotech companies with cutting edge technology, and a dedicated display by Discovery.

Small variation, Big problem

“Copy number variation (CNV)” is the cause of hundreds of hereditary disorders. What exactly are the symptoms presented? From careful observation, possible disorders include delayed growth, fetal developmental delay, intellectual development disorder, learning disorder, neurological development disorder, dystonia, motor disorder, cardiovascular or other developmental disorder, facial developmental disorder. If you spot any of the symptoms listed, consult physician or leave a message in our “free consultation.”


  • Any of the parents with chromosomal error
  • Pregnancy Over Age 34
  • High-risk group as defined by Down syndrome prenatal screening
  • Ultrasound showing fetal abnormality
  • History of giving birth to child(ren) with Down syndrome or other chromosomal disorder

Test procedure

  • 1
    Physician draw 10ml amniotic fluid

  • 2
    Write the consent form

  • 3
    Deliver to laboratory

  • 4
    Laboratory test and data analysis

  • 5
    Report provided by the physician