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Preventive medicine comes to the fore! Genetic testing targets early detection and immediate treatment as the priority

Preventive medicine comes to the fore! Genetic testing targets early detection and immediate treatment as the priority

What is genetic testing? Human genes will continue to change with the external environment or other uncertain factors. We can learn about possible diseases in the body through genetic testing, continuously monitor physical changes, and prevent risks such as disease deterioration beforehand, which greatly reduces the probability of emergencies.

The “Phalanx Biotech Group”, which receives the technology transfer from Industrial Technology Research Institute and which has 17 years of history in Taiwan, focuses on the development of genetic testing platforms and services. Chairman Kuei-Hua Yang mentions that because she sees the needs of Taiwanese people and wants to be closer to the Chinese market demands in Asia, with the independent research and development capabilities of high-density microarrays and professional technology and resources, Phalanx will extend to a more complete one-station genetic testing service. Through the four major areas of genetic testing, i.e. “reproductive medicine, population medicine, oncology medicine, translational medicine and scientific research services”, we provide the public with the one-station companionship for eugenic anti-cancer from birth to adulthood! We allow each family member to have a professional team as the strongest support at different stages of life, and always care about and protect the health of the whole family.

(Sybil Yang, Chairman of Phalanx Biotech Group/ photo by China Times)

Increased awareness of preventive medicine, and early screening and risk management and control by genetic testing

Hung-Ju Su, Chief Operating Officer of Phalanx Biotech Group gives an example, with regard to the implementation case of preventive medicine, the most famous one is Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie who underwent the resection of both breasts to prevent breast cancer. In addition, with the emergence of the concept of preventive medicine, although the fertility rate has declined today, in the clinical application of prenatal testing, the use of amniotic fluid microarrays for rare disease genetic testing services has continued to rise! In the prenatal and postnatal newborn detection, it is recommended that if genetic testing can be used for prevention and early screening, many risks can be avoided.

New revolution in early screening of liver cancer! 84.2% increase in early diagnostic sensitivity for methylation genetic testing

Liver cancer is a nationwide disease of the Chinese people. There is no biomarker for early screening. Many times, when it is found, liver cancer is already advanced, and the treatment effect is limited, which also causes burden to many families. Chairman Kuei-Hua Yang says that, today, with only a small amount of blood and through the patented technology of methylation prediction model, Phalanx Biotech Group’s “methylation genetic testing for early screening of liver cancer” technology can improve the sensitivity of early diagnosis of liver cancer to 84.2%, and it can significantly improve patient survival due to early diagnosis and early treatment.

Dr. Hung-Ju Su says that according to clinical studies, in 50% of patients with diagnosed liver cancer, it is not possible to detect the cancer sensitively (false negative) through general liver cancer screening tool, AFP (α-fetal protein). However, highly sensitive liver cancer methylation genetic testing can detect 75% of patients with liver cancer among 50% of patients who cannot be detected by AFP; 0-1 stage earlier than the traditional liver cancer early screening tool! Implementing the concept of early prevention and early treatment has become a great news for early screening of liver cancer!

(Richard Su, Chief Operating Officer of Phalanx Biotech Group/ photo by China Times)

 Phalanx biotech Taipei Medical University join hands to collaborate in industry-academia classes and to cultivate talents for connection with the enterprise

Artificial intelligence and big data are the current trends, and the cultivation of biotechnology talents is not easy. Taipei Medical University is currently focusing on the technical aspects in the university’s artificial intelligence courses with relatively few attention on industrial aspects. Therefore, they have co-founded the “Master’s Special Class in Smart Data Application Industry” with Phalanx. Chairman Kuei-Hua Yang says that Phalanx hopes to help students to cooperate with the actual industrial operation mode, and to quickly connect with the biotechnology market and exert their strengths when entering the society in the future, saving more pre-education and training. At the same time, having more resources to promote the brands to the international market, it will also allow the world to see the top medical team from Taiwan!

(The only GMP-certified high-density microarray manufacturer center in Asia.)
