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A Family Doctor Dad's Top Prenatal Testing Choice

Phalanx Biotech Image

Hengshan Clinic - Dr. Chih-Hao Chen


I am a family medicine doctor and a father-to-be, awaiting the arrival of a new life. My wife is an advanced maternal age (AMA) mother, which naturally increases the likelihood of fetal abnormalities, making amniocentesis a necessary procedure.

However, traditional amniocentesis only provides a basic overview of the chromosomes and may miss smaller chromosomal changes. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, amniotic fluid chips can perform a more detailed "scan" of the chromosomes, detecting even the smallest changes. Since my wife was already planning to undergo amniocentesis, we decided to add on the amniotic fluid chip test! But, with so many chip options and manufacturers available, even as a doctor, I found the comparison process quite challenging.

Currently, amniotic fluid chips on the market can be broadly categorized into two types: SNP and aCGH. SNP chips have a higher probe count, detecting more "abnormal signals," but these signals often have no clinical significance. If the report detects abnormalities, what do they actually mean? This can create unnecessary confusion.

Phalanx’s aCGH chip, on the other hand, has an appropriate number of probes and resolution, filtering out unnecessary noise. It also enhances the analysis of genetic diseases common among Asians, which makes it the most suitable choice for me.

Amniocentesis carries certain risks, but if you've already decided to undergo the procedure, adding Phalanx's aCGH amniotic fluid chip test does not increase any additional risk. Instead, it provides an extra layer of security for your baby’s health. If the results are normal, it allows mothers to go through their pregnancy with greater peace of mind. If the results are abnormal, it gives doctors the most accurate data for genetic counseling, helping you make the best decision.

In fact, by carefully observing those around us, we can see that most babies with congenital abnormalities are born to seemingly healthy parents. Therefore, even if you're not an advanced maternal age mother, and even if you don't have a family history of genetic disorders, as long as your obstetrician evaluates the risks and benefits, I would recommend adding Phalanx’s amniotic fluid chip test for any mother undergoing amniocentesis, providing an extra layer of assurance for your baby’s future.


